My kite is still on display at the San Marcos Activity Center as part of their permanent collection. Go visit it!
I am so honored to be a part of this project! This opening night was a night of joy and hugs in celebration of art and community. This painting has a special meaning for me. I wanted to convey the healing properties of the San Marcos River. I thought of Ophelia, but instead of dying, she’s coming back to life. So often I find myself soaking my feet or submerging myself, fully clothed, releasing things that hurt inside of me, and letting the water fill me with love and power. Cleansing my pains, emotional and physical, the river’s powers are not beyond my gratitude.
Art4Water, a program of the @watershedassociation , is an initiative that advocates for environmental protection through the lens of art. The Sacred Springs Kite Exhibition features the work of 35+ national and local artists to raise awareness of threatened Texas springs and the vital connection of water to life.